Genius is Mysterious
Projekt30's summer show Genius is Mysterious is up and I have to say I'm personally very pleased with the way it turned out. It's one of the strongest exhibitions we've had this year! I want to thank all the artists that participated and everyone who took the time to submit ratings.
Many artists don't realize just how many people actually take the time to help jury our exhibitions. Over 1,000 people submitted more than 25,000 ratings for Genius is Mysterious. That's only counting the people who submitted at least the 20 rating minimum, the traffic was actually quite a bit higher. Not too bad, though some of our juries get up to three times those numbers.
I noticed a few interesting trends in the show. First, we had a huge influx of Asian and Asian-influenced art this month. Artists Gogo Yu, Manihoo Chang, and TT Tone to name a few. We got quite a few submissions from artists living in Taipei in particular, which a new and welcome development.
Many artists don't realize just how many people actually take the time to help jury our exhibitions. Over 1,000 people submitted more than 25,000 ratings for Genius is Mysterious. That's only counting the people who submitted at least the 20 rating minimum, the traffic was actually quite a bit higher. Not too bad, though some of our juries get up to three times those numbers.
I noticed a few interesting trends in the show. First, we had a huge influx of Asian and Asian-influenced art this month. Artists Gogo Yu, Manihoo Chang, and TT Tone to name a few. We got quite a few submissions from artists living in Taipei in particular, which a new and welcome development.
Flying Horse Brings you Wealth by TT Tone
Also interesting are the number of artists working in the medium of photographic collage and montage. My own artwork tends in that direction so it's always exciting for me personally when collage makes it into an exhibition. Artists Jack Bond, Kate MacDonald, and Chris Fowler sent in work that was striking, haunting, and outright bizarre (respectively). All three are Projekt30 members, so it'll be interesting to see what they come up with in the future.
Lobster Burlesque by Chris Fowler
Finally, I'm thrilled to see such a strong sculpture turnout. We are sometimes criticized that Projekt30 doesn't display enough sculpture. The fact is, just not that many sculptors participate most months. Genius is Mysterious features some of the highest quality sculpture I've ever seen! Richard A. Moore III's gruesome bronzes and Chris Bathgate's futuristic metal-works completely blow me away.
Kissable Ribcage by Richard A. Moore, III
ST 732232835563624434 by Chris Bathgate
I'm looking forward to the results of the September 2011 public jury and I can't wait to see what people will submit for our fifth annual fear themed show FEAR V.
Thanks, Justin, for all your hard work on Projekt30. I've really been enjoying it and although I have no idea how one gets recognition as an "art photographer"; the shows here have gone on my online resume and actually helped me with the commercial/wedding work I do.
As a photographer, to pass jury here along with other forms of art is a real thrill. Just competing on photography-only sites often runs into a "bias" in the photographic community about what a photograph has to "be" to be worthy. I sometimes don't even come close to that standard, lol.
What amazes me at times is that more people don't turn out for some of the monthly shows. My friend Teresa Young actually got into some overseas galleries based in large part on her exposure here.
I absolutely love the themed shows and I must not be alone as I see more folks participating in them. They are fun.
John Griggs
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